Print on Fabric Using Sunlight

The Lumi Process is a revolutionary photographic print process for textiles and natural materials. The process is based on Inkodye, mixable, dilutable, water-based dyes, which develop their color in sunlight. Currently available in three colors: red, orange and blue. Inkodye can bind to any vegetal or animal …

The Space Elevator – NASA strengthen steel 1000 times with nano tech

Picture driving by a sprawling meadow. As you look out of the window, a black vertical hair seems to be hanging in front of your eye and it catches your attention. But then you notice that it is fixed in space… It’s a thin black line, almost like the trace of a film-scratch on a picture. Seeing that …

Self-Assembling Sand Kicks 3-D Printing Back to the Future

3-D Printing Is So Last Year: MIT’s “Self-Assembling Sand” Builds Objects Instantly IT SOUNDS LIKE SCI-FI, AND IT COULD EVENTUALLY MAKE RAPID-PROTOTYPING SEEM QUAINT. If Terminator 2 taught us anything, it was that a properly timed thumbs-up can make us cry. Also, autonomous, self-shaping blobs are a …

Mer grafen – ger lithiumjonbatteri fler laddcykler

Tidigare inlägg om grafen finns här. Förväntningarna är skyhöga på grafen, materialet som belönades med Nobelpriset i fysik år 2010. Forskare världen över har visat upp allt från ultrasnabba transistorer till genomskinliga högtalare. Det har främst varit prototyper, men nu är materialet redo för …