Does the colour of the mug influence the taste of the coffee?
Here is another research that conclude the fact that the colour matters! In this case its shown by coffee cups, but rise your mind and think wider. Don’t forget to hint every designer, product developer or innovator about the fact. To compete in …
Physicists at The Australian National University have created a tractor beam on water, providing a radical new technique that could confine oil spills, manipulate floating objects or explain rips at the beach.
What will this discovery lead to? What kind of future product development can we see thanks to the …
Researchers from University of Sheffield has discovered a new approach to make 3D printed parts lighter and stronger, and that also will make 3D printing faster and more economical. The automotive and aerospace industries are the first to benefit from this innovation together with the sports footwear …
En engelsk forskare ligger bakom ny teknik, som kan påvisa annars osynliga fingeravtryck på patronhylsor eller bombsplitter.
En helt ny teknik ger polisens tekniker möjlighet att spåra fingeravtryck på metalföremål, såsom patronhylsor och bombsplitter. Fingeravtrycken kan tydas, även om ytan har torkats …
FORSKNING Lithiumjon-batterier eller Litiumjonackumulatorer eller Li-jon-batterier som de även kallas är den typ av batterier som används i de flesta av våra batteridrivna mackapärer idag. De har kommit långt de senaste 10 åren och man kan få ut ganska mycket energi ur väldigt små batterier numera. dock …