Calming Park & Olivier Rohrbach

Olivier Rohrbach is a Swiss based supreme journalist and DJ covering everything from premium fashion to irresistible design. His perfect and eclectic music serve among others: Palace in Gstaad and Mezzanine in Paris, and he is the father of Calming Park 1-4. Upon this, Oliver has guided SWISS, Bally and David …

Let’s Dance! But Keep The Aesthetics On The Top!

Old Mr Bowie said Let’s Dance, and he did that among (lots of) other things… Today “aesthetics” is perhaps the most favourable and recognised “ability” in the postmodern society, which is a very subject and topic of it self. Think what how the sociologist Gabriel de la Tarde …

Hur kan lekfullheten främjas på en arbetsplats? Samuel West förklarar.

Eftersom det tar så lång tid för min forskningsartikel att manglas i den akademiska processen för att publiceras, kan jag inte låta bli att dela med mig av några resultat från min senaste studie. Studien fokuserar på hur lek och lekfullheten kan främja en kreativ och innovativ arbetsplats. Många …

The Habits of Creative People

“In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.” –Rollo May Creativity is a nebulous, murky topic that fascinates me endlessly: How does it work? What habits do creative people have that make them so successful at …